Quick Natural Home Remedies For Cold And Fever Relief


Colds and coughs are common winter ailments. Luckily, there are many natural home remedies for cold and fever relief.

Heated soup or broth helps reduce mucus buildup and keep you hydrated. A cup of chicken soup is an old standby, but bone broth has even more immunity-boosting power.

A hot toddy is another time-tested remedy. This warm drink includes whiskey or other alcohol, lemon and honey.

Drink a lot of water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the most important things you can do to help fight off a cold. It helps to clear congestion, soothe throat and nose membranes, and keep the body hydrated.

Add a pinch of salt to a glass of warm water and gargle several times per day to help reduce inflammation. You can also try a cup of hot ginger tea.

Take a warm bath

The warm water in a bath will help to soothe your throat and nasal passages. It will also help to relax the muscles in your body and alleviate the discomfort caused by a cold or fever.

Try to take a warm bath rather than a cool one, as cold water can cause you to lower your core temperature too quickly. You can add eucalyptus or peppermint oil to the bath to ease nasal congestion or cough.

Take a hot shower

Fevers are often a sign that the body is fighting off a virus. Though they are uncomfortable, most fevers will run their course within 7-10 days and can be soothed by using at-home remedies.

The best thing to do is to rest, drink lots of fluids and keep the air around you moist. Some home remedies include using eucalyptus, peppermint and oregano oils to relieve congestion and coughing.

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is important to prevent and cure colds and cough. This is because it provides the body with a lot of immune-boosting nutrients.

Carrots are rich in vitamin A and help to boost the immune system. You can eat carrots raw or add them to soups. Also, turmeric milk is effective in reducing congestion and soothes the throat.

Take a warm bath with Epsom salt

The Epsom salt in your bath helps relieve aches and pains. It contains magnesium and sulfate, which are believed to be absorbed through the skin.

Try sipping some warm liquids to soothe your throat. Hot chicken noodle soup or ginger tea can also help you feel better. Ginger induces sweating, while cayenne pepper stimulates blood circulation and can help ease a headache.

Get plenty of sleep

Getting plenty of sleep is important when you have a cold. It can help relieve congestion, sore throat, and cough and reduce fatigue and body aches.

Many natural home remedies can help with cold and flu symptoms. These include vitamin C, zinc supplements, and echinacea. Echinacea tea stimulates the immune system and causes sweating, which helps treat fevers. Ginger tea can soothe a sore throat.

Take a warm bath with eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that help soothe the throat, ease coughing, and relieve congestion. It is also a natural insect repellent.

To use it, simply add a few drops to a warm bath. This helps draw blood to the feet, which can ease a fever. Choose a high-quality eucalyptus oil with clear labeling about the species, production method, and country of origin.

Take a warm bath with peppermint oil

A warm bath can help to relieve aching muscles and loosen mucus. You can also use eucalyptus or peppermint oil to help relieve nasal congestion.

Garlic is another common home remedy for colds. Drinking tea made with astragalus root, echinacea, or linden can also ease symptoms. However, be cautious about using herbal remedies because the research on them is mixed. Also, they could interact with other medications you may be taking.

Take a warm bath with oregano oil

A warm bath with lukewarm water can help bring down a fever. Make sure to avoid plunging into cold water, which can send blood rushing to your internal organs and cause you to feel colder instead of cooler.

Oregano oil has powerful antibacterial properties, including against antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. It also has expectorant properties that can reduce phlegm buildup and soothe coughs.

Take a warm bath with garlic

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic and antifungal. It can help to prevent and treat colds and the flu. You can drink garlic water, eat it in food or take a supplement.

Taking a warm bath with garlic helps to draw blood to the feet and decrease fever. It can also be used as a cough suppressant. This is one of the easiest and most effective home remedies for cold and flu relief.

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